Inspired by evidence on the effectiveness of conditional cash transfers while doing research with the Center for Effective Global Action, Svetha Janumpalli raises seed funding from Unorthodox Philanthropy to create New Incentives.

Learn more about conditional cash transfers

New Incentives begins encouraging existing nonprofits to start offering conditional cash transfers and then pilots a program with a local partner in Nigeria for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. New Incentives presents the pilot program at the 2012 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting.

Learn more about the pilot program


New Incentives receives the first grant from GiveWell Incubation Grants and establishes a local organization in Nigeria called All Babies Are Equal Initiative. New Incentives begins to implement and test conditional cash transfers for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. New Incentives receives a Grand Challenges Explorations Grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to measure the effectiveness of using conditional cash transfers to prevent mother-to-child transmission in areas where child delivery in health facilities is low.

Learn more about the results of this study.

New Incentives identifies challenges to expanding the HIV prevention program, including a lower than expected population of HIV-positive pregnant women. New Incentives begins exploring using conditional cash transfers to incentivize women with at-risk pregnancies to deliver at health facilities.


New Incentives joins Y Combinator. During this phase, Pratyush Agarwal and Patrick Stadler join the organization as co-founders.

By the end of the year, New Incentives reassesses the evidence and the program’s theory of change for reducing neonatal mortality. The organization decides to pivot based on the evidence and starts collecting data from health clinics about childhood vaccination rates and challenges.

New Incentives obtains funding from GiveWell and Open Philanthropy to expand our pilot program from 10 clinics to 98 clinics for three years as part of an independent randomized controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate the impact of the program on routine childhood vaccination rates in Zamfara, Katsina, and Jigawa States in Nigeria. 


New Incentives expands to a team of 100+ in 98 public health clinics in the North West region of Nigeria, providing cash incentives for childhood vaccinations.

New Incentives reaches 190,000 infants and 700,000 cash transfers since launching the program. The endline survey of the RCT to measure the effectiveness of the program on childhood vaccination rates commences.


IDinsight publishes the findings from the RCT showing that the program has a substantial, positive impact on vaccination coverage. Now operating in 98 clinics, New Incentives reaches 265,000 infants and 1 million cash transfers.

Learn more about the RCT findings.

GiveWell names New Incentives one of its top charities, estimating that the program doubles the proportion of children who are fully immunized.

Learn more about GiveWell's recommendation.

New Incentives reaches 430,000 infants and 1.6 million cash transfers, saving 2,645 lives. The program now operates in 986 clinics across Zamfara, Katsina, and Jigawa States in Nigeria. 

GiveWell names New Incentives one of its top charities for the second year in a row.


New Incentives expands into Sokoto and Bauchi States, and the total number of operating clinics reaches 2,020 by the middle of the year. More new infants are enrolled in the program by October 2022 than in all previous years combined.

By mid-December, the program enrolls its 1 millionth infant.

New Incentives embarks on an ambitious, multiyear expansion plan to reach 3.2 million infants by 2025.

Learn more about our current impact.

New Incentives expands into Kano State in January and Kaduna and Kebbi States in July. 
Learn more about our expansion.

The first set of published data from New Incentives’ vaccination coverage surveys shows significant improvements in vaccine uptake.
Learn more about our coverage surveys.  

In September, New Incentives enrolls our two millionth infant since launching the program in 2017. By October 2023, more new infants are enrolled in the program for the year than in all previous years combined.

Watch this video about the impact of our program on vaccine uptake:


New Incentives is present in 6,480 clinics across nine states in northern Nigeria. To increase saturation, we expand to previously unfeasible LGAs. We also begin exploring complementary interventions to improve cost-effectiveness and benefits in high-need areas.

We provide 8.7 million cash disbursements to caregivers, surpassing the total from the past five years!

In July, we introduce a ₦5,000 completion incentive, increasing the total incentives per enrolled baby to ₦11,000, and pilot malnutrition monitoring and rewards for clinic staff.

In October, New Incentives enrolls our four millionth infant! It took six years to enroll our first two million infants (2017 to September 2023), but in just 13 months, we enrolled another two million.

Watch the story of Hauwa, a caregiver who overcomes challenges to bring her youngest child for vaccination.


New Incentives' program is one of the most cost-effective ways known to save a life.
