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New UN report illustrates importance of our program

December 23, 2013

New UN report illustrates importance of our program

A new report by the United Nations on children and Aids makes a case for programs such as ours.

Here are the three takeaways:

1) With 1.5 million HIV-positive pregnant women worldwide, the prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission is of utmost importance.

2) In West and Central Africa, where we operate, there is a particular need for tackling mother-to-child HIV transmission. There is a large number of pregnant women living with HIV, but only very few of their newborns benefit from drugs that prevent an HIV infection.

350,000 pregnant women living with HIV in West and Central Africa. 7 out of 10 newborns do not benefit from drugs that prevent HIV transmission

3) The UN report confirms that the innovative approach chosen by New Incentives has an impact. Learn more about our program that builds on conditional cash transfers.

“Social protection has already proven to have an impact not only in support for children and families already affected by HIV, but also in preventing HIV and improving treatment and care outcomes. The opportunity exists now to tailor these programmes to include HIV-affected populations, extending the support they offer to include … cash transfers for poor households.”

* Source: UNICEF, Towards an AIDS-free Generation, Children and AIDS, Sixth Stocktaking Report, December 2013

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